If you have a new tiger’s eye crystal or you often use your tiger’s eye for protection, growing self-confidence, and attracting great wealth into your life, then you’ll need to know how to cleanse and charge your precious gemstone.
Tiger’s eye can be cleansed and charged with earth, fire, wind, or water. Put tiger’s eye in healthy soil, in the smoke of a burning sage smudge or incense stick, in your own breath, or in water, to strengthen and recharge its properties.
There are many ways to charge and cleanse a tiger’s eye, and you can try a few below to see what works best for you and makes your stone most powerful. Read on for all 12 methods, with full instructions, to get the most from your favorite ritual.
By the end of this post, you’ll have 12 easy-to-follow ways to cleanse and charge a tiger’s eye crystal.
How to cleanse tiger’s eye
You can cleanse tiger’s eye with…
Meditation and visualization
If you enjoy meditating, use meditation and an easy visualization exercise to cleanse your tiger’s eye.

To cleanse tiger’s eye with visualization, take a good look at your stone to get an idea of its shape and markings.
Close your non-dominant hand with the tiger’s eye in it (if you’re right-handed use your left hand and vice versa). This is the hand you use when you want to ask for and receive blessings from a crystal.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, focusing only on your breathing and the stone inside your hand.
Now picture the stone you are holding. See the stone’s shape and colors in your mind. Keep picturing the tiger’s eye until you have a clear view of it in your mind’s eye.
Start visualizing clean, clear spring water gently washing over the stone. The stream can be as strong or as gentle as you wish, and it can wash the stone for as long as you are happy with the meditation practice.
Once the stone has been “washed” clean, picture it rising from the stream into warm, pure sunlight. Try to see the water beads of negativity evaporating from the stone in the sun’s rays, until all that’s left is a shiny, cleansed stone in your hand.
If you want to activate a new stone or set intentions for the stone by asking it for what you want and need it to bring you, click here for a list of what tiger’s eye can do and what to say.
Slowly bring yourself back to the present moment with your cleansed stone.

Cleanse and recharge tiger’s eye by placing it in soil, either in the ground where there’s good plant growth or in a plant pot with a healthy plant. The soil must be healthy and alive to give the tiger’s eye what it needs.

Don’t ever put your tiger’s eye anywhere a child or animal might find it and swallow it.
Cover the stone with soil, so you can’t see it. You want the soil to touch every inch of the stone so the soil can absorb negativity and renew the stone’s powers of protection and strength.
Leave your gemstone in the soil for at least 24 hours. When you feel the time is right, dig out the tiger’s eye and rinse it in soapy water and then clean water, before patting it dry with a soft cloth.
During smudging, dried leaves are burned and the smoke that they give off is believed to have cleansing and recharging properties. You can use smudging to cleanse your tiger’s eye.
A sage smudge is most popular for crystal cleansing, especially white sage sticks like these from Amazon, but you can also use smudges made from Palo Santo wood, cedar, sweetgrass, juniper, or yerba santa.
If you really want to spoil yourself, try these beautiful handmade floral smudge kits from Amazon.
To cleanse tiger’s eye with a smudge:
- Go outside or sit in a well-ventilated room, where the smoke won’t bother you.
- Light the smudge with a wooden match, if you have one. It’s always best to use natural materials when working with crystals.
- Gently blow out the flame on the smudge, making sure it continues to release smoke.
- Hold your tiger’s eye in the smudge’s smoke. Make sure the smoke touches every part of the tiger’s eye by slowly rotating the stone (like a rotisserie chicken) and circling the smudge around the stone.
If you’re lucky enough to have a deluxe smudging kit, blow the smoke over your stone with the feather. The feather amplifies the cleansing and recharging by representing a second element – air – in the ritual.
- Smudge for as long as your intuition tells you to do so. At the very least, make sure the smoke touches each part of the tiger’s eye at least three times.
- Once done, let the smudge stick finish burning or put it out in sand. Make sure that it is completely dead before throwing or packing it away.
- Sprinkle ashes from the smudging process on the ground outside, for the soil to absorb ole energy from the tiger’s eye.
You can cleanse and recharge tiger’s eye with the smoke from incense, much like you use the smoke from a smudge stick.
Any type of incense will work, but many people like the smell of cedar incense blocks, white sage, frankincense and myrrh, or organic sandalwood incense for cleansing rituals.
If you want to use a candle’s smoke instead of smoke from incense or a smudge, try this magnificent pure white sage smudge candle.
To cleanse tiger’s eye with incense, light the incense stick and gently blow out the flame.
Hold your stone in the incense smoke and slowly turn the stone over three times.
This should take about a minute to do, but you can leave your stone in the smoke for longer if you feel the stone needs extra cleansing. Always listen to your instinct when interacting with your crystals.
If you burn your incense in a covered holder, like this handmade distressed wood box, place your tiger’s eye inside the box, light the incense, close the lid, and leave it in there to be cleansed by the smoke until the incense stick has finished burning. This is a great way to cleanse multiple stones at the same time.
Your own breath can be very effective when it comes to a cleansing ritual because you are connecting with the crystal and helping it release what needs to be let go. This strengthens your bond with the stone, especially as you’ll want to connect with and harness the stone’s powers after the cleansing.
To cleanse tiger’s eye with your breath, sit down with the stone closed in your hand. Close your eyes and take 10 slow, deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Once you are completely calm, imagine a bright, warm light around yourself. Slowly open your eyes and bring your open hands and stone close to your mouth.
Continue to breathe slowly and steadily, taking in air through your nose. When you exhale, exhale strongly out of your mouth and push this breath directly onto the stone in your hands.
Make your breaths intentional. Imagine the light that is surrounding you passing through your breath and over your stone.
Turn your stone over with each breath, to make sure that you breathe on each side at least once.
Do this for as long as you feel you should, but you can stop after about four full breaths if that feels like it is enough.
Water has healing, cleansing, and recharging properties.
Rainwater, water from a stream, sea water, running fountain water, or even water from a faucet can be used to cleanse and charge tiger’s eye. Whatever water you use, it needs to be lukewarm – if it’s too hot or icy cold, the stone’s energy could be disturbed and become unbalanced.
To cleanse a new tiger’s eye, place it in a bowl of sea water and leave it there overnight. Salt makes the water’s cleansing properties stronger for a new stone, and it has a wonderful purifying effect.
If you don’t have access to sea water, dissolve a tablespoon or two of sea salt, rock salt, or Himalayan salt in warm water and let it come back to room temperature before using it for cleansing.
Always choose a bowl or container made from natural materials, such as glass. Don’t ever use a metal bowl for stone cleansing.
If you want to cleanse and recharge a tiger’s eye you already have, or that you need to remove negative energy from, use moving water. Place the stone under running water, in a stream, in the ocean, or out in the rain for a few minutes to a few hours.
It’s believed that running water washes away all harmful and negative energy from tiger’s eye and takes this negativity back into the earth, where it is healed.
Once you’ve cleansed your tiger’s eye with water, pat it dry with a clean cloth. If you used salt during the ritual, rinse the stone under lukewarm water to remove the salt before patting it dry.
Sunlight has a strong cleansing and charging effect on tiger’s eye, but too much direct sunlight isn’t good for any crystal.
To cleanse and charge tiger’s eye, put it in a sunny spot at dawn or in the morning before 10 am. Don’t touch or move your stone during this time.
Leave the tiger’s eye out in the sun for no more than one hour. If you can, put the stone on soil during this time, so you get even stronger cleansing.
Tiger’s eye can become shinier when exposed to the right amount of heat and light, but make the crystal too hot (above 750 °F / 400 °C) and it could lose its shine forever. Click here to find out what quality makes tiger’s eye shine the way it does.
The moon’s rays are able to cleanse and charge tiger’s eye, and they have a calming effect on the stone.
Click here to find out when there will be a full moon or waning moon in your area – just search for your city in the top-right search bar on the website.
Once you find the moon phases for your area, look for the next full moon or waning moon, as these are the best times to cleanse a tiger’s eye in moonlight.
A full moon is when the entire moon is visible, so you see a bright, complete circle of the moon. A waning moon comes after a full moon, when the moon starts getting smaller in the sky.
Place your tiger’s eye outside at sunset, when there’s a full or waning moon, to be cleansed. Try put the stone in direct moonlight and on the ground, where negative energy can be absorbed.
Leave your tiger’s eye out overnight if you can, but be sure to bring it in before the sun gets too strong the next morning (before 11 am if it’s a sunny day).
Tiger’s eye can be cleansed by gently pushing away negative energy using sound vibrations.
To cleanse tiger’s eye with sound, place the stone near you, no more than 3 feet away. The closer your stone is to the sound, the stronger the sound vibration will be and the better the ritual will work.
The area between you and the stone should be clear and free from any objects, so that the sound vibrations can move freely and cover the stone easily.
Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Now relax and start making your chosen sound:
You can chant by making the “om” sound over and over; play a singing bowl like this one from Amazon; use meditation chimes; or play cymbals. You could even combine two of these sounds by chanting and using one of the instruments at the same time.
Continue making the sound for at least two to three minutes if you can.
Selenite stone
Selenite cleanses and charges tiger’s eye quickly and easily. All you need to do is put the tiger’s eye in a pure selenite bowl, like this one from Amazon. These bowls are known as “stone charging stations” in the crystal community because they release negative energy from stones.
If you don’t have a selenite bowl, wrap tiger’s eye in selenite stones for the same cleansing effect. Try to wrap selenite sticks around the entire tiger’s eye, so the selenite touches all sides.
If you don’t have selenite on hand, replace selenite with another cleansing stone such as amethyst, carnelian, or black obsidian. There’s just one requirement for this to work: the cleansing stone needs to be bigger or there needs to be more of it than the tiger’s eye so that the cleansing stone can absorb whatever it needs to absorb from the tiger’s eye.
A charging station is only one of the places that can become a home for your tiger’s eye. Click here for inspiration on all the places you can keep a tiger’s eye, and what you’ll gain from each.
Himalayan salt
To cleanse and charge tiger’s eye with salt, fill a shallow glass bowl, drinking glass, or glass vase with pure Himalayan stone salt or larger salt stones. Bury the tiger’s eye in the salt and leave it there for at least 24 hours, or longer if you feel your stone needs it.
It’s best to cleanse tiger’s eye with Himalayan salt, if given the choice.
The bowl of salt can be reused many times to cleanse or even store your tiger’s eye. Simply replace the salt when you feel that it has lost its cleansing powers and is no longer effective.
Once a tiger’s eye has been cleansed with salt, rinse it under clean water to remove any salt residue, then pat it dry with a soft cloth.
Another salt cleansing option is to use a pure Himalayan salt lamp: Place tiger’s eye next to the lamp and let the stone bathe in the lamp’s light for several hours. Then turn the stone over to expose its other side to the lamp’s light.
Brown rice
Brown rice cleanses tiger’s eye by absorbing negativity. Simply bury the stone in a shallow bed of dry brown rice and leave it there overnight, or longer if you want.
The brown rice will absorb all negative energy from the stone. When you’re done with the cleansing, thank the rice and throw it out.