If you’d like to meditate and spend time with your pink amethyst crystal, simply follow the simple steps outlined below.
You can meditate with pink amethyst in 3 ways: using affirmations to ask for what you need; placing several crystals around you to create an energy field; and/or placing pink amethysts near your upper chakras as you go into a deep state of relaxation.
By the end of this post, you’ll have a simple, step-by-step method to connect with and meditate with your pink amethyst and what to ask for from the crystal.
Pink amethyst is the crystal of love, compassion, emotional healing, fertility, and self-care. You can meditate with it whenever you’re feeling sad or unstable and you need some comfort and balance in your life.
It’s best to meditate with pink amethyst once or twice a week. Regular connection with this crystal builds a strong bond and gives you greater benefits than if you only use it when you really need it.
How to meditate with pink amethyst
Below is a simple, calming pink amethyst meditation. Feel free to use this method or adapt it to what feels good to you. Let your intuition guide you and tell you what’s right for you.
Set your intention
Start by setting your intention for the meditation. What do you need most from the pink amethyst right now?
Here are some benefits that people report asking for and receiving from pink amethyst:
- Enhanced emotional healing and release of negativity
- Increased feelings of love, compassion, and self-worth
- Reduced stress, anxiety, and tension
- Improved focus, clarity, and concentration
- Heightened intuition and spiritual connection
- Deeper relaxation and sense of inner peace
- Enhanced self-care and self-love
- Amplified positive affirmations and intentions
- Enhanced overall well-being and vitality
- Comfort, balance and stability
- Fertility support
Click here for some ideas on what to ask for and affirmations to say during the meditation.
Closely examine the stone
Try to get your senses involved with the crystal, to form an active connection with it for the meditation (you’ll see how we connect with the crystal in a little bit).
Take a good look at the pink amethyst while holding it up in the air and turning it around.
Notice the colors, shape, patterns, and anything else unique about your crystal.
Feel the entire crystal with your hands, and smell it.
This is an important step in the meditation for connection, even if you always use the same crystal.
Get comfortable and place the crystal near your upper chakras
Lie down somewhere comfortable, where you won’t be interrupted. Wear warm clothes and cover yourself with a blanket if the air is chilly.
Pink amethyst is an important crystal for the upper chakras, including the crown at the top of your head, the third eye on your forehead, and the heart chakra on your chest.
Put the pink amethyst on the floor close to your head or shoulders, where it falls into the fields of these upper chakras.
If you have several pink amethysts and want to create an energy field around yourself, simply place the crystals around you (above, below, and on each side) when you lie down to meditate.
Take three deep breaths
Close your eyes and relax your body.
Take three deep, slow breaths, counting in for five and out for five.
Try breathing in and out with your tummy, so you can take in more air.
See the pink amethyst in your mind’s eye
Picture the pink amethyst in your mind.
Try to see it as clearly as you can floating gently in the space in front of your face. Remember the shape, feel, colors, markings, smell, and anything else you can about the crystal.
The purpose of this exercise is to open your connection and communication with the crystal, and to forget about everything around you and any worries you might have.
It also prepares the crystal to hear what you want to ask for.
True connection with a crystal often takes time and practice, so don’t give up if you struggle the first few times.
The more often you try to connect with your crystal, the easier it will become to recognize an “active connection”.
An active connection with a pink amethyst gives some people a feeling of warmth and light shining around the upper half of their head, including their skull and forehead where the third eye and crown chakra sit, and/or around their chest.
You might feel connected in another way. Pay attention to how your body reacts and tells you that it is making this connection, so you recognize it next time it happens.
Tell the pink amethyst what you seek
Once you feel connected with the pink amethyst, or as connected as you can be at this time, ask the crystal to bring you what you need.
You can ask silently in your mind or speak it out loud.
Click here for some ideas on what to say to a pink amethyst.
Ask at least three times, and be very clear and specific about what you want. Don’t ask the pink amethyst to take something away but rather ask it to bring you something.
For example, don’t ask for heartache to disappear. Ask for a calm and happy heart. Or use one of the affirmations for love, such as “My heart is full of love”.
You can also use phrases like “I am loved,” “I am worthy of love and compassion,” “I release all negativity and embrace unconditional love,” or any other affirmations that resonate with you.
Ask as many times as you need to, but ask only for one thing per meditation. If you ask for more gifts, you are diluting the request and you probably won’t get the results you want.
Let your intuition guide you and stop when you feel you’ve asked enough times.
Thank the pink amethyst
There is power in gratitude. Giving thanks to your pink amethyst will strengthen its powers to help you, making it a wonderful friendship.
To show appreciation, whisper the words “Thank you” and feel true and absolute gratitude with your entire body.
Stay in this bubble of quiet thankfulness until you’re ready to wake up from it.
Now slowly open your eyes and rise.
Keep your pink amethyst in the right place
If you want to intensify the properties of your pink amethyst and your meditations, keep the crystal in a place that serves what you ask from it.
For example, if you’re asking for better sleep, keep a pink amethyst in your bedroom, close to the bed.